With midterms in full swing and work piling up on your desk, your stress level is likely increasing as well. School is stressful for most people and because it seems so common, we often dismiss it as a norm of being a college student. However, mental and emotional stress can impact the body in many different ways. Here are three physical symptoms to look out for when school gets to be just too much.
- Hair Loss
After a week or two of spending nights cramming for an exam or typing the last hundred words for an essay, you may notice some extra hair loss. This is probably the most common indicator of stress. When your body is stressed, it releases high levels of sex hormones called androgens. Irregular levels of this hormone prompt temporary hair loss and alternate your hair follicles, causing hair to fall out at faster rates.
- Eye Twitching
No one really knows why, but the muscles around your eyes do occasionally twitch and spasm. The stress and lack of sleep caused by school may wake up some dormant muscles connected to your immune system. Under stress, these muscles tense up as well, and may be a reason for the twitching—which can be especially frustrating when you’re trying to finish a paper. To help ease the twitch, lightly apply pressure to the lid and drink up! Dehydration could also be a culprit.
- Change in Diet
Under stress, your body is undergoing a constant “flight or fight” response. One way our liver responds is by producing more glucose, a blood sugar that can respond in case of an emergency. This can cause either an increase or decrease in appetite, which can in turn make your body feel sluggish. Eating some sugar, like a small piece of chocolate, can help ease the fluctuation without causing your body more stress.
Stress is your body’s way of responding to your daily habits and environment. It helps keep you alert and ready to avoid danger. Excess stress, coupled with minimal sleep, however, is what can be harmful to your body. School is important, but it’s a lot easier if you learn how to recognize and manage stress.
by Jane Lee